Is there any publication fees for this journal?
This Journal does not charge authors for any fees.
How do I submit my paper for review, or for publication?
First, register on site and fulfill all items completely.
Second, read the " Guide for Author(s)" section carefully and prepare at least two files including "Title Page" and " Main File" according to Journal Instructions.
Third, Manuscripts should be submitted through thewebsite.
What kind of formats may I submit my paper in?
papers must submit in Microsoft Word.
What are the criteria for publication in "Journal of Sciences" ?
"Journal of Sciences" publishes original articles on basic sciences.
which titles are acceptable in the Main File?
Manuscript should contain titles such as: Abstract, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results & Discussion, Acknowledgement and finally References ( centralized , without any prefix)
No other principle titles should be given in the manuscript.
* others can be presented as subtitles.*
what does " Main File" include?
complete manuscript including Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, References, Figures, Tables without Author(s) Information.
which information of corresponding Author is necessary?
Telephone, Fax, Email
Is there any Templates for this Journal?
To have Journal Templates , please send email to jsciences@ut.ac.ir
Which articles need "The Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)"?
Mathematics articles need "MSC"
which titles are Compulsory for the theoretical articles?