Document Type : Original Paper


Department of Statistics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


When discussing non-Gaussian spatially correlated variables, generalized linear mixed models have enough flexibility for modeling various data types. However, the maximum likelihood methods are plagued with substantial calculations for large data sets, resulting in long waiting times for estimating the model parameters. To alleviate this drawback, composite likelihood functions obtained from the product of the likelihood of subsets of observations are used. The current paper uses the pairwise likelihood method to study the parameter estimations of spatial generalized linear mixed models. Then, we use the weighted pairwise and penalized likelihood functions to estimate the parameters of the mentioned models. The accuracy of estimates based on these likelihood functions is evaluated and compared with full likelihood function-based estimation using simulation studies. Based on our results, the penalized likelihood function improved parameter estimation. Prediction using penalized likelihood functions is applied. Ultimately, pairwise and penalized pairwise likelihood methods are applied to analyze count real data sets.


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